Tatort Wednesday

Every week on Wednesdays, a group of Tatort fans get together to watch their German Cop Shows at 20:00 Eastern US Time. Currently, Kerguelen is playing a Tatort Münster episode each week, going in order from the original episode. The show is in German, but the group is watching it with English fansubs.

If you're interested, the zoom link for Tatort Wednesday is: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/92747061687?pwd=R1pkbllESmdWL3hndnZkdUVvUE9QQT09

Tatort is a German police procedural tv series. It has been running continuously since 1970 with approximately 30 feature-length episodes per year. The series is divided into different cities with their own investigative teams and it gives a local flair to each. It is the longest-running German TV drama.